Hi! Farrell Pacheco a full-time artist, father of two beautiful girls Jasmine(10) and Jocelyn (8) who get their beauty from my wife Rey. I was not always an artist, I worked many years in remodeling and restoration of homes and landscapes. True story, that was until I threw out my back trying to caught my three month old daughter Jocelyn from rolling off the bed. After that I had to take a different route. With the demands of my wife to quit my job because it became a hazard to my health, mainly my back. For I could no longer operate the heavy machinery of my job I went into the workshop. I began to do the same job in a smaller medium of landscaping. Putting my color coronation and configurations on to shell and bone. The mosaic process that our Anasazi ancestors passed down to me and my people of Santo Domingo.
Life as an artist fluctuates, however it keeps me close to home,(workshop is next door)I make my own schedule which allows me to participate in the village traditionally. The family and I travel into Colorado, Arizona and California to attend shows. Last December was our first trip to LA for the Autry show. First stop was the Santa Monica Pier where the girls saw the ocean for the first time. Neither of them cared to do the rides it was all sand and waves for the day.
When we are not on the road, Rey and I are working on pieces to create together. She is step one of the process, she is quick with her mosaic inlay skills. I inlay at a not so fast pace. Then I am step two, I give each piece the second gluing stage and the machinery process of grinding, sanding and polishing. We help one another visions come to life. It amazes me that she can work with me all day and still sleep next to me at night. We make a good team and her encouragement is what I live on.